Co-founder conflicts: common but ‘curable’

Co-founder conflicts are a common issue faced by many startups. These conflicts can arise due to differences in vision, values, and communication styles. It's important for co-founders to address these conflicts early on to avoid them from escalating and hurting the business.

According to the research of Howard Markman, a psychologist and conflict resolution expert, co-founder conflicts often stem from unmet expectations. Co-founders may have different expectations about the role they will play in the company, how decisions will be made, and or what the company's future holds.

To prevent conflicts from arising, Markman suggests that co-founders have open and honest conversations about their expectations. This includes discussing their individual goals, values, and visions for the company. Co-founders should also establish clear lines of communication and a system for decision-making.

In the event of a conflict, Markman recommends that co-founders take a proactive approach to resolve the issue or issues. This means avoiding passive-aggressive behavior, such as ignoring the conflict or avoiding discussions, instead having direct conversations about it and there is where the Partner Scan comes in. Through conversations with the co-founders, individually and together the Partner Scan identifies the areas in which conflicts may arise in your relationship. By addressing these conflicts early and working towards a resolution with a Partner Scan, co-founder teams can build a strong foundation for their company and prevent escalation of conflicts from affecting their business.

The Partner Scan: A quick way to stay - or get back - on track in your business.


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